
FysioGaming Expands Rehabilitation Options with Kinect Games

FysioGaming Expands Rehabilitation Options with Kinect Games images: DOCTOR KINETIC 

The FysioGaming rehabilitation platform uses Kinect motion sensing technology to offer a range of effective, personalised rehabilitation options.

FysioGaming is a Kinect-driven exercise platform designed for physical therapy and rehabilitation. The device was developed to motivate patients to exercise through a series of interactive games. The Kinect 3D sensor turns the exercises into a fun, distracting, challenging rehabilitation experience, one more convenient and accessible for everyday use than traditional rehabilitation equipment.

FysioGaming offers exercise programs across 30 levels of difficulty, making the rehabilitation process more dynamic, allowing patients to see the progress they have made. As patients are required to perform movements more accurately, the programs available with FysioGaming are also very effective. The device contains six programs and 60 subprograms for therapy and offers 66 different types of exercise, along with advanced reporting features.

fysio gaming

fysio gamingfysio gaming

The rehabilitation programs offer a range of workouts for the lower extremities, to improve coordination, strength, and function of the lower limbs. These make an excellent solution for patients who have problems with their hips, knees, or feet. The exercises include side strides, lunges, squats, hip extensions, and knee lifting.

The training program for the back is designed to improve balance and stability, and incorporates a wide range of motion in both standing and seated positions. The exercises are particularly beneficial to people suffering from lower back pain. They include trunk rotation, alternate arm lifting, and back balance exercises.

fysio gaming

The program to improve dynamic balance was developed for patients suffering from injuries to the lower limbs or recovering after ACL reconstruction or a different type of surgery. The program combines walking, running, jumping, and dynamic direction changes. It can also be adjusted to provide fall prevention exercises for seniors.

The program for the upper extremities is designed to strengthen the shoulder muscles and improve the mobility and coordination of the shoulder. The exercises include different variations of arm lifting, shoulder press, side bend, and rowing.

FysioGaming also offers a training program to improve balance, which is important in any kind of therapy. The program is designed to improve overall balance and focuses in particular on early rehabilitation for patients who need to improve function of their lower limbs.



FysioGaming was created by Doctor Kinetic, a company that specialises in developing games for health. Founded in 2013, the Dutch company develops solutions for use at home, at the gym, at sports centres, and in physiotherapists' offices.

FysioGaming is the first Dutch Kinect-based exercise platform to be registered as a medical device. It is used in hospitals and rehabilitation clinics across Europe and also in the United States, Australia, and China.

Watch the video to see the system at work.

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